PXT Select™

Sample Comprehensive Selection Report (One person. One position.)KGA-1.jpg
Sample Oliver Chase - Coaching Report (One person. One position.)KGA-1.jpg
Sample Individual's Graph (One person)KGAp.1.jpg
Leadership Sample Report.jpg
Sample Team - Team Report (Multiple people)KGA-1.jpg
Sample Oliver Chase - Multiple Positions Report (One person. Multiple positions.)KGA-1.jpg
Sample Manager-Employee Report (One employee. One manager.)KGAp.1.jpg
Sample Multiple Candidates Report (Multiple people. One position.)KGAjp.1.jpg
Sample Performance-Model-Report-(One-position)KGAjp.1.jpg

PXT Select™


What is PXT Select™?

PXT Select™ makes the very human decisions about hiring simpler and smarter, filling the gap between the resume and the interview. It provides organizations with actionable objective data about candidates in a simple to understand format that can help you to interview better and hire smarter. It is an online selection assessment that measures a candidate’s cognitive abilities, behaviors, and interests. 

What reports are available with PXT Select™?

PXT Select’s suite of reports helps you to select, onboard, coach and develop employees. PXT Select offers the following reports:

  • Multiple Candidates Report. Make hiring decisions with ease. Compare multiple candidates for a single position.

  • Leadership Report. Assess a candidate or current associate’s leadership strengths and challenges as well as customized questions that can be used to interview the candidate or analyze an associate’s leadership potential.

  • Team Report. See how a potential candidate fits an existing team, or address your current team’s dynamic and strengths.

  • Manager-Employee Report. Discover how a manager and employee can work more effectively together.

  • Individual’s Feedback Report. Candidates can learn from PXT Select, too! This narrative report doesn’t reveal scores and is perfectly safe to share with applicants. Also available for those in a sales role.

  • Individual’s Graph. This graph illustrates a candidate’s results that you can view at a glance.

  • Coaching Report. Coaching advice tailored to each employee. Also available for those in a sales role.

  • Performance Model Report. Understand the range of scores and behaviors for the position you’re trying to fill. Learn about the ideal candidate for that role.

  • Comprehensive Selection Report. Featuring tailored interview questions and tips on “what to listen for” with each candidate, this report gives you a meaningful edge in your hiring process. We also have a version of this report tailored to sales positions.

  • Multiple Positions Report. To find the best fit for a particular individual, compare a candidate or employee to multiple jobs in your organization.

  • Sales: Comprehensive Selection Report. This is the primary report to use for selection purposes with a sales focus. It provides one candidate’s results in graph and narrative form and compares those results to a single performance model. All terminology is defined within a sales context. The report includes customized interview questions tailored to fit sales positions. It also includes eight Critical Sales Practices derived directly from the behavioral scales.

  • Sales: Coaching Report. This report can be used for onboarding, coaching, training, and development, in addition to selection for a sales-related position. It provides one individual’s results in graph and narrative form against a single Performance Model. All terminology is defined within a sales context, so there is no interpretation needed beyond the report itself.

  • Sales: Individual Feedback Report. This report provides one candidate’s results in narrative form with a sales focus. All terminology is defined within a sales context, so there is no interpretation needed beyond the report itself. There are no scores and all results are written in a relatively favorable way, so it’s safe to share with applicants. The report includes sales-related coaching tips.

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