August 6, 2018
In many aspects of our lives, we will face differing opinions, approaches and points of view and we can determine whether this conflict is productive or not.
We offer a 22-page profile (and facilitation kit) that provides you and your colleagues with personalized, effective strategies to overcome these inevitable challenges and helps you:
appreciate how your style of handling conflict affects your peers
- learn to "catch" yourself when going down a destructive conflict path
- discover how to reframe a conflict situation and choose more productive behaviors
- build a common language in your organization or work group around appropriate conflict behavior.
The profiles are $89 each (with quantity discounts) and the Facilitation Kit is $1230, for a half-day scripted workshop with all slides and handouts. On this site, click on "Products" at the top, then "Conflict Workshops" on the left. You can get more information or purchase right there.