Develop strong leadership and increase retention in your organization using this tool

Everything DiSC Work of Leaders® lays out a clear path for helping leaders at all levels make the connection between their DiSC® style and leadership. With one unified model of leadership—vision, alignment, and execution—it focuses on helping leaders understand their own leadership styles and how their tendencies influence their effectiveness in specific leadership situations.

Participants Take-Aways

  •  Recognize the priorities and tendencies, based on their own DiSC style, that shape their approach to the fundamental work of leaders: creating a vision, building alignment around that vision, and championing execution of the vision

  • Explore in detail how to play to their strengths and overcome challenges to improve their leadership effectiveness

  • Identify strategies to develop preferred behaviors based on context-specific best practices 

Program Components

Everything DiSC Work of Leaders® Profile 

  • Research-validated, online assessment. 23-page leader-specific profile report provides detailed context-specific feedback based on the three-step Vision, Alignment, and Execution Model and the three drivers associated with each step. Strong visuals and illustrations, including 18 behavioral continua, delve deep into what steps leaders can take to increase the behaviors linked to the essential best practices of leadership.

  • Easily customizable. Remove or rearrange pages, customize the profile title, or print selected sections. The profile may be used on its own or with the companion facilitation (sold separately).

Facilitation Toolkit   

  • Five 60-90-minute modules, including fully-scripted facilitation dialogue to use with experiential learning activities and thought-provoking group discussions.

  • Easily customizable. Create an end-to-end leadership development program or concentrate on specific areas. Switch out video clips. Modify the PowerPoint presentation, Leader’s Guide, and handouts. Add or delete sections to fit any timeframe.

  • Engaging 17 video segments of contemporary leadership examples. Use as stand-alone clips or integrate with the facilitation PowerPoint or your custom PowerPoint presentation.

  • 36 dynamic podcast segments specific to one of the three components of the Work of Leaders model—vision, alignment, and execution. Learn first-hand how to interpret Work of Leaders continua to answer participant questions. Insightful information not available anywhere else.

The Five Behaviors model as a tool to develop your organization's teamwork

What Is The Five Behaviors®? Developed in Partnership with Patrick Lencioni, based on his international bestseller, The Five Dysfunctions of a Team, The Five Behaviors® transforms teams through a powerful and approachable model that drive team effectiveness and productivity. 89% of The Five Behaviors learners say it improved their team’s effectiveness.

Patrick Lencioni’s The Five Dysfunctions of a Team is the definitive guide for building healthy teams. The Five Behaviors model focuses on building skills and understanding in the areas of Trust, Conflict, Commitment, Accountability, and Results which provides a common language for your teams as they navigate the ever-changing world of work. Simple, sound, and straightforward— this model challenges teams to rethink their approach when working together.

The Five Behaviors® solutions can help you activate your team’s ability to drive results through cohesive teamwork, whether it is with our Personal Development solution which helps individuals learn the skills they need to “team” effectively on any team and build a culture of teamwork, or our Team Development solution which helps intact teams gain the know-how to work better together.

Deliver Effective Onboarding in a Fast-Changing Work Environment

Companies today are in the midst of transforming their business models, restructuring their teams, and rethinking how they service their customers. Many have also permanently integrated hybrid or remote work arrangements, moving away from an office-only structure. Employees who work in these environments, where there is constant change and poor communication, are experiencing high stress levels and burnout. Many are reacting by Quiet Quitting or pulling back from collaborating and communicating with their colleagues. 

What would it be like as a new hire starting out in this kind of environment, when more than ever, job seekers are demanding a great deal from potential employers as far as culture, work/life balance, and support from their managers? This scenario is happening to millions of new hires all over the world. What's clear is this: Coming off the pandemic and The Great Resignation, the number of new hires, as well as the stress associated with starting a new job, has skyrocketed. How are HR teams dealing with this unprecedented number of new hires and how can they adjust their processes so that people don’t fall through the cracks?

The struggle to keep new hires is real: almost 30% of people will quit a new job within 90 days. According to Gallup, the estimated cost to replace an employee ranges between one-half to two times their annual salary. That’s a huge and recurring hit to the bottom line. 

In this time of uncertainty, we wanted to know if HR teams were able to deliver an impactful and effective onboarding experience to new hires, one that makes them want to stay well beyond the onboarding period.

Reality of the New Hire Experience

We surveyed 6,000 people through Wiley Workplace Research, of which 1,266 were new hires, to learn more about what people experienced when they started a new job. What we found is that the job market continues to be highly competitive. Given that nearly 25% of those we surveyed said they started with a new company in the last year, HR professionals and managers have been busy.
According to our findings, 75% of respondents said that some form of onboarding happened at their new company. For more than half of new employees, this experience lasted a week or less.  The process varied greatly, too. Some received zero direction or guidance while others received a highly structured and planned experience. Critically, although almost all felt welcomed and accepted, only 38% finished their onboarding experience with an understanding of what was expected of them.

Onboarding in a Rapidly Changing Workplace

Consistency is key to delivering on expectations and ensuring that every new hire has a meaningful first experience that makes them want to stay. In fast-changing environments, this can be more challenging. To be successful, today’s onboarding process must be agile but well planned. So how can HR professionals adapt? 

One thing we know for certain is that employees want a positive work culture and an impactful employee experience. Your responsibility for this starts the minute you extend an offer to a candidate and continues throughout the employee’s tenure. 

Make sure there is a hiring and onboarding process in place that is more than a simple orientation and communicate it to everyone who will be involved. Hiring managers, for example, might need training on how to conduct interviews. Frontline managers should also know how to assess the candidate to identify skills gaps and recommend individual training so that the new arrival feels confident and prepared for their role. This will ensure a seamless experience that gets the new hire ready for what’s next. 

HR should also be clear to hiring teams and frontline managers about what the new hire was offered so that expectations are met, and promises are delivered. In a hectic or fast-paced workplace, this information can be missed. Misunderstandings will leave a bad impression and can lead to the new hire feeling misled or duped about their new job or company. People want to work in a role where expectations meet reality, and this is one way to make certain that happens.

Ultimately, your goal is to deliver a meaningful and individualized onboarding experience that not only helps new employees acclimate to the company, but also lays the groundwork for a positive work experience long term.

Pre-Boarding: Take this opportunity to connect with your new employees before they start to create a sense of belonging. This can include sending a care package, proposing a meet and greet, and keeping them updated via emails or video calls. This is also the perfect time to assign a buddy so that they have someone to reach out to who’s not in HR.

Orientation: This phase starts on their first official day on the job and should focus on logistical and administrative processes and procedures. Employee handbooks, paperwork, and mandatory training should help with acclimation. Let the new employee know how to give feedback and ask for help or support as they navigate their onboarding experience.

Foundation Building: This is the time to set the new hire up for success in their role by communicating about the company culture, brand values, opportunities for personal and professional development, and most importantly, how their role impacts the organization. Ensure your new hires know how to engage with their team effectively to jumpstart collaboration. Tools like Everything DiSC and The Five Behaviors can help set the foundation and continuously reinforce your culture. 

Community Building: The key here is to help the new arrival feel welcomed, supported, and included within their team and the company. Providing opportunities to socialize with colleagues, build relationships, and take part in team bonding will help them connect on a deeper level, fostering better team collaboration and communication. For remote or hybrid employees, virtual activities will increase a sense of comradery and prevent a feeling of isolation or disconnectedness.

Post-Boarding: This phase is particularly important if your company is going through major changes or where employees feel burnt out and have high stress. While the onboarding process is officially over, HR teams should seek feedback on the new hire’s experience to confirm you delivered what was promised. Stay in touch to provide any additional support, information, training, or guidance if necessary. HR can also ask for feedback from hiring teams and frontline managers to continually improve and refine the process.

As you can see, this multi-prong approach requires more time and a detailed plan to successfully implement, but it is critical to go the extra mile in an environment of burnout and rapidly shifting priorities. Ideally, the onboarding process should be a month or longer, starting before the first day of work. This should be expanded in a workplace where significant changes are happening, or employee morale is low.

Whatever the environment, HR professionals and hiring managers should always focus on giving new arrivals a memorable and lasting experience that feels tailored to their individual needs. New hires are seeking an onboarding process that focuses on building connections and aligning with the culture, all while learning about how their role affects the company and contributes to outcomes.

Make Learning part of your Everyday Organizational Culture

Everything DiSC® offers a suite of personal development learning experiences that measure our preferences and tendencies based on the DiSC® model. This simple yet powerful model describes four basic styles: D, i, S, and C, and serves as the foundation for the Everything DiSC® Application Suite.

Every Application: Participants receive personalized insights that deepen their understanding of self and others, making workplace interactions more enjoyable and effective. The result is a more engaged and collaborative workforce that can spark meaningful culture improvement in your organization. Each profile is powered by 40+ years of research, uses adaptive testing and sophisticated algorithms to generate precise and personalized insights for each participant. Participants receive this personalized content using the DiSC model and gain insights on their personal preferences and tendencies as well as relating to and working with others. They leave with actionable strategies for improving interactions and, ultimately, performance.

The Follow-Up Tools: Each profile has follow-up tools to allow participants to go deeper into their DiSC style, provide real-world tips for connecting with colleagues, and help them gain insight into their team or department’s DiSC culture. This makes learning ongoing and useful, and not just a training session.

The Everything DiSC® Application Suite:

  • WORKPLACE: Engage every individual in building more effective relationships at work

  • AGILE EQ™: Develop the emotional intelligence necessary to build a thriving agile culture

  • MANAGEMENT: Teach managers to successfully engage, motivate, and develop their people

  • PRODUCTIVE CONFLICT: Harness the power of conflict by transforming destructive behavior into productive responses

  • WORK OF LEADERS® Create impactful leaders through the process of Vision, Alignment, and Execution

  • SALES Provide salespeople with the skills to adapt to customers’ preferences and expectations.

Interested in building an engaged culture with high retention? Get DiSC Certified!

Everything DiSC® Certification offers you a proven way to create a lasting impact on individual and organizational performance.

In this two-week course combining live, instructor-led sessions with self-guided online learning, you will build your confidence and expertise in delivering impactful DiSC learning experiences that help people work better together. Upon successful completion of the course work (including a score of 80% or above on the final Certification exam), you will earn the credential of Everything DiSC Certified Practitioner—signaling proven competence in shaping a high-performing, collaborative culture, knowledgeable in the language of DiSC.

Just click on “Certifications for You” at the top of this site, then “New! Everything DiSC Certification” and you will see the dates in 2022-23 that are still available. Spots go fast so let me know asap. Then after I confirm a spot is available you can purchase your registration by clicking on Products, then Facilitator Certification and choose the one led by Wiley. If you have 5+ people wanting to get certified, I can lead it at a time convenient to you, so just let me know that.

Leading with Confidence: Top Ten Tips Managers Need to Drive Success

Managers are key to engagement and retention - as the adage says, people don’t leave their job, they leave their manager. So what can managers do to attract and retain their best talent now? This is a summary of an ebook published by Wiley - email me if you want a copy!

  1. Develop yourself. If you understand who you are, what your strengths are, and how to lead yourself (self-management), then you set yourself up to lead effectively.

  2. Set an example people can’t resist following. The global workforce has changed, which means a paycheck every 2 weeks isn’t enough to get the best effort out of increasingly detached employees. People want to know their work matters - they want a vision that compels them to give their effort to achieve a seemingly insurmountable goal.

  3. Understand that communication is key. If you want to engage the people you lead, then make yourself available to them. Even in the age of social distancing and remote work, find ways to connect with your employees one-on-one on a more emotional level in a group setting. It’s during stressful times that people need the support of their managers the most.

  4. Help the team see the big picture. It’s easy to get lost in the work we do as individuals and forget what we’re accomplishing in the larger world. To reconnect your team with the purpose behind their actions, take time to explain how their assignments and projects fit into the company’s larger goals, reputation, success, and bottom line.

  5. Encourage feedback. Research shows that inspiring, charismatic leaders regularly gather ideas, opinions, and suggestions from the individuals they work with. Make it a point to seek input from people who hold back in group meetings, and after you hear feedback, reiterate one of their points and thank them for their contribution.

  6. Don’t underestimate the power of recognition. Giving out regular recognition provides an effective way to motivate employees. Make it direct, specific, sincere, and simple. Accompany recognition with a benefit or reward, personalize it, and make recognizing achievement everyone’s responsibility.

  7. Act with decisiveness. Employees will gain more respect for you if you confidently and consistently assert your influence and then stand by your decisions as long as they remain within reason.

  8. Create an environment of constant learning and development. Learning incentivizes people to stay with an organization. If they are learning and sharpening skills that can help them earn more, get their dream job or get promoted; they’re going to want to make the most of that opportunity which means staying with your organization.

  9. Provide the professional guidance that your team wants. Be the manager who’s also the leader and mentor people want to be around so they find more incentive to work harder for you and stay with your company.

  10. Exercise patience with yourself. Developing strong managerial skills takes time - seek guidance from colleagues, your own manager, and your professional network when you need it. In the same way you give your employees the benefit of the doubt with the mistakes they make, do the same for yourself. And remember, you’ve got this.

The PXT Select assessment helps you as a manger by gathering accurate, objective, and reliable data so you can confidently hire, manager, develop and retain productive employees and effective leaders. Contact me for a demo!

Make hiring decisions based on data not instinct

Hiring managers and employees alike are susceptible to unconscious bias and may unknowingly make decisions and choices, both personally and organizationally, that can exclude certain individuals based on a single characteristic or trait. In this way, unconscious bias could derail your organization’s ability to be diverse, equitable, and successful. The stressful experience of being understaffed can leave many organizations feeling dire, making speed the predominant criteria in the selection process. This leaves proactive efforts to hire for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DE&I) placed lower on the ladder of considerations. But choosing this route not only increases your organization’s risk of unconscious bias but may also have a long-term effect on your ability to attract and retain quality talent.

In order to better understand the impact of unconscious bias on hiring and selection and its long-term impact in the workplace, Wiley Professional Learning surveyed over 5,000 working professionals. Survey respondents included individual contributors (43%) and managers or other leadership positions (57%). About half of all respondents had some involvement in the hiring process, with managers representing the largest portion of this group. In The State of Hiring 2022 Report, you will see Wiley’s findings and see the actions they recommend that you can take to combat unconscious bias in hiring and selection. Reach out to me to see this report!

Choosing how to engage with each other in this century

Today is a repost from St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. While this is applied to health care, it is relevant for many of the ways we engage with each other today, especially through social media. Thank you St. Jude!

Debate vs Dialogue

Being and effective adviser and advocate for Patient Family-Centered Care starts with recognizing that we are all working towards making St. Jude the best it can be. You may work with clinical staff, administrative staff, fellow advisors, or community partners. You may serve on committees, workgroups, councils, or adviser boards. Though there are a multitude of interactive ways to participate, the goal of every interaction is the same: foster dialogue! Some people may think dialogue is just talking back and forth but it’s much more than that.

Dialogue requires you to practice good conversation skills. Debate means stating your point of view without taking time to consider other options or getting your point across while trying to push others back down. Dialogue is the process of putting two or more different opinions together to create a unified idea.


-Assumes that there is a right answer and someone has it.

-Defends assumptions as truth.

-Combative: we attempt to prove the other side wrong.

-Defending our own views against those of others.

-Listening to find flaws and make counter arguments.

-Searching for problems and weaknesses.

-Countering the other position without consideration of feelings or relationship, often belittling or deprecating the other person.

-About winning.


-Assumes that many people have pieces of the answer and together they can create a solution.

-Revealing assumptions for re-evaluation.

-Collaborative: participants work together toward common understanding.

-Reflecting on and re-evaluating one’s own views.

-Listening to understand, find meaning and agreement.

-Searching for strengths and value in others’ ideas.

-Showing genuine concern for the other person and seeks to not alienate or offend.

-About discovering new options.

Thank you!

We are pleased to share that we have been recognized by Wiley with the Emerald Award for our work in 2021 helping all of our clients build a strong leadership culture even through a pandemic. We recommend and support your use of the family of DiSC profiles and the Five Behaviors Team profiles which enable your associates to build higher productivity and morale during remote and hybrid work.

The water we are swimming in and how we can adapt

Based on Deloitte, Gallup and McKinsey analyses, here is what we are facing now in our organizations:

  • •77% of managers don’t believe in their talent acquisition strategy

  • •77% of managers don’t believe in their talent acquisition strategy

    •73% of employees aren’t engaged

    •70% of team members don’t feel considered

    •Organizations need help finding and engaging their people.

    •Gig economy: by 2020 40% of all workers will be contract

    •Skill sets needed in 2030: decrease in basic cognitive, small increase in higher cognitive, large increase in social/emotional

    •Continuous learning needed

    •Shifting organizational structure – matrixed organizations

    •Agile systems, processes needed

    • Rapid pace of change

    •Disruptive forces


    •Demographics diverse in country of origin, age, ethnicity, culture, gender, language

    •Technology advancing rapidly

This results in things people in organizations have to do differently now:

•Change direction quickly

•Communicate effectively

•Accept and work well with differences of perspective

•Form effective teams quickly

•Create teamwork with nontraditional arrangements

•Define selves by effectiveness not by title

•Create psychological safety so good ideas can surface

•Create personal connection amid increased technology

•Hire using more than resume – fit now more important

•Share power and information

We have tools to enable you and your organization to adapt and be successful! See our products on this site for more information and call me with your questions or to order!

Keeping Relationships at the Center in the Digital Age

We are now in the Digital Age, or what is called the Fourth Industrial Revolution, which presents us with a growing demand for responsibility and accountability among leaders, as well as systems, technology and entrepreneurial leadership, adaptive leadership and a need for leaders to shape societies. A recent Accenture white paper recommends three questions we must consider as we enable our workers in this Age:

  1. Is the changing nature of work in production continuously being anticipated? With skills now having a half-life of 5 years, leaders must make proactive decisions about their workforce today.

  2. Is the ability to attract and engage the best talent by tailoring development initiatives for workers improving? Global executives think only one-fourth of their workforce is ready to work with intelligent machines. Organizations increased spending on intelligent technology by over 60% five years ago, yet only 3% planned to significantly increase the investment in training the following year.

  3. Is the broader enablement environment and ecosystem being reshaped for the workforce? 67% of people want business leaders to take the lead on policy change, instead of waiting for government.

Transformational leadership behaviors that support people at the center include

  1. inspiring with empathy and vision

  2. innovating with purpose

  3. advocating humanity, trust and transparency

  4. collaborating across the ecosystem

  5. orchestrating for agility and growth

  6. embracing social responsibility.

The Virtual Culture Imperative

Given this pandemic, most of us have shifted to virtual work: creating comfort, boundaries, and functionality in our home spaces, choosing the ways we will communicate and meet, and figuring out what’s most important to communicate while doing our best to manage informal and formal messages.

Creating a virtual workplace where we find ways to bring out the best in each other is now a priority, and it’s not an intuitive skill. It takes guidance, practice, and then more guidance and practice. And with the right leadership, it’s definitely achievable.

In September 2020, Wiley surveyed 2,500 business professionals to better understand the impact of the pandemic on organizations and culture. They ranked skills by importance for virtual work, with these as the top 3:

  1. Critical Thinking/Problem Solving

  2. Social and Emotional Skills

  3. Basic Cognitive Skills

And, while 98% of leaders agreed it’s worth their team’s time to develop their social and emotional akills, only 9% strongly agreed that they know how to make that happen.

That’s where we come in. I have a suite of products you can use either with or without my facilitation to develop your virtual teamwork using these principles:

  • Everyone is different, so soft skills development must be personalized.

  • The learning must take place in a social context.

  • The learning must include reinforcement.

I have scripts and content for virtual delivery that will cause your team to bring out the best in each other and have a personalized learning experience. Call me and we can talk specifics!

Accepting difference in identity can start with accepting differences in personality

A good start to see where you are more or less flexible about working across differences is to take the Everything DiSC Workplace profile and see where your comfort zone is. The report will also give you tips on how to set the stage to adapt to other styles to cause greater understanding, buy-in, and improved working relationships. Take advantage of my Holiday Sale of $57 each (retails at $74)! Just go to Products, then select Everything DiSC Profiles, then purchase the number of Everything DiSC Workplace (English) profiles you want. They make great holiday gifts!!

What it will take to be the United States

I hear people, including me, bemoaning the divisiveness we are facing today politically. I see some root causes of that:

  • increased complexity of our collective problems which is hard to grasp and understand so we oversimplify

  • communicating via social media which encourages short phrases or sentences, statements of belief, and “agreement” or “disagreement”

  • wanting to be right as opposed to curious

  • not trusting that we will be able to handle a view that is different than our own

  • the tendencies of our media outlets which value “either/or” headlines so we will click on them

  • media coverage of statements made by those in positions of power which inflate their influence

  • an overreliance on positions vs. interests when we communicate what we want.

Regardless of who “wins” this upcoming election, we still have to work together to build a society we want to live in. Here’s what I propose that will take from all of us:

  • prioritizing the issues that matter the most to us and being willing to say why they do

  • making time to have conversations so we make time for curiosity and understanding rather than agreement or disagreement

  • asking more questions when someone says they disagree - like “what leads you to think that?” or “tell me what experiences you’ve had where that becomes important to you?”

  • not relying on “the news” to understand issues - but find resources that are more neutral and that engage us in conversation

  • proposing in-person (including virtual) conversations when it looks like social media vehicles are not advancing understanding

  • valuing each other so that our opinions and whether or not someone “likes” them is our only way of determining our value.

I’m sure there’s more - but I’d rather focus on this than the sports metaphor of people “winning” and “losing” an election.,

Truthtelling about race and philanthropy by my friend Valaida Fullwood


Written by: Valaida Fullwood, guest author

Date: September 02, 2020

Or what does it mean to be bold and Black in Charlotte, North Carolina, right now? 

Three years ago, I read a report stating that, out of the tens of billions of dollars in annual philanthropic giving by U.S. foundations, an estimated  2% of funding  from the nation’s largest foundations is specifically directed to Black communities. While I knew funding to Black-led organizations was inequitable, I had no concept of the scale of neglect.

The reports keep coming, and nothing appears to have changed except for the worse. Studies also point to the dearth of national foundations that even fund nonprofit organizations based in the South.

These data sharpened my once-vague understanding of the funding landscape to an acute awakening to the insidious practices of funders that unfairly advantage white-led nonprofits over Black ones, a matter further compounded in the South.

Then last week, I read the new report by the National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy (NCRP), “Black Funding Denied: Community Foundation Support for Black Communities.”

It disclosed data on philanthropic giving to Black communities by Charlotte’s community foundation, which hosts my collective giving circle’s fund. Of Foundation for the Carolinas’ giving, an estimated average of only 0.5% is allocated to Black communities, in a region where 22% of the population is Black.

For decades, I have witnessed the bias and heard accounts from Black nonprofit founders and leaders about chronic underfunding by philanthropic institutions. It is part of a pattern referred to as “foundation redlining,” borrowing the term about policy and tactics that resulted in segregated housing patterns and a wealth gap that still plague cities, including Charlotte, today.

Probing this issue compelled me and fellow members of New Generation of African American Philanthropists (NGAAP Charlotte) giving circle to organize The Bold Project.

The Bold Project: An NGAAP Charlotte Initiative for Black Organizations Leading Differently provides a framework for our grantmaking, thought leadership and civic engagement with local Black-led nonprofits.

The Bold Project also serves as a communitywide call to action for funders to attend to and repair the funding gap that results from giving preference to white-led nonprofits and effectively abandoning Black communities and sabotaging Black-led nonprofits.

Urgency exists in dismantling old structures and reimagining how to allocate philanthropic dollars in fair and just ways.

Equity audits and new funding measures are required to blunt the negative impact of bias and anti-Black racism, reduce barriers to accessing capital for operations, and address the damage caused by long-running patterns of funding inequity. The data and the times demand boldness.

But, in a region fond of subtlety, confounding euphemisms, and centuries-old face-saving lies over hard truths and candor, what does bold look like?

Illuminated Charlotte skyline. Photo credit: Alvin C Jacobs Jr.

Being boldly Black and free

If you are from the South, you already know that behind the smiles and pleasantries — and that famous hospitality — linger deep-seated hostilities. I perceive it as a simmering brew of concentrated privilege and power with heaps of confusion and contradiction, spiked with aged worries and wounds.

Born, bred and schooled in North Carolina, I know the culture well. My family roots, on both sides, are easily traced for 8 or more generations in this state. I probably rank as expert in our quirky pronunciations, idioms, delicacies, pastimes and, too, our civic pathologies.

For years lyrics sung by another native daughter, Nina Simone, about the value of being “young, gifted and Black” resonated deeply. Now a much less young Southern woman, I am pondering: What is it to be bold and Black?

I pose these questions publicly in the hope that as I grapple with this, you also will reflect deeply on these tough questions. Perhaps we can find our respective answers and respond together.

Constant questioning seems fitting since friends can attest my resolution at the top of the year was to be an interrogator — a kind one, yet an interrogator nonetheless. I have found, in Southern culture, asking questions is a form of boldness.

This moment requires sharper understanding of bold, that speaks to our urgency. Let’s go further than a dictionary, where nuanced definitions span from “fearless,” “unafraid” and “daring before danger” to “adventurous” and “free” to “standing out prominently.”

What does bold mean when life, liberty and limb are literally on the line for us and our communities?

Fearlessness rings true, because I have experienced that being Black and bold just might mean winding up black and blue, in every sense. In the fight for justice, boldness and Blackness can bring harsh repercussions: psychological, physical and fiscal.

When I question the high stakes of speaking out and challenging “the establishment,” I draw on examples set by seeming unafraid Black Southerners, like Dorothy Counts, Reginald Hawkins and John Lewis, and I know I must persist.

The connotation that intrigues me most is to be free. Which stirs the question: How can we emancipate ourselves from constraints of the past? That is, how can we be bold in ways that liberate us all right now?

Coronavirus, unconscionable police brutality, protests for racial equality and data on dire funding inequities provide compelling reasons to assert our collective liberties to accelerate justice.

While my perspective is that of a Black Southerner, these questions are perhaps even more pertinent to white Southerners and Charlotte residents with other regional and racial identities.

In his book “Why We Can’t Wait,” Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. observed, “the straitjackets of race prejudice and discrimination do not wear only southern labels.” Yes, the South has its own brand of racialized restraints that we must reckon with and reconcile at this pivotal moment.

Our region is not alone though, as headlines from Minneapolis to Portland to Kenosha confirm. As Malcolm X boldly suggested: We all are Southerners.

This is 21st century America, and I want to be free; however, I know none of us is truly free until all of us are free.

Data in the NCRP report provides new insight on structural blocks in philanthropy. We can clearly see how funders are culpable, as prime contributors to social and economic immobility for Black people as well as brown people — immobility as in locking out whole swaths of the community from vital resources and opportunity, in essence chaining us to undesirable conditions and outcomes.

I venture to call out philanthropy’s inequities for the shame that it is. I dare to question the concentration of wealth, accumulated at the expense of Black and brown people, that then rigs the system to deny us equity and mobility. To progress we must burst the charmed bubble of philanthropy with data and truth.

Drawing from another Southern-born woman, the intrepid Ida B. Wells: “The way to right wrongs is to turn the light of truth upon them.” I urge you to join me in turning on the lights and holding funders accountable, if we may be so bold.

Valaida Fullwood is the award-winning author of “Giving Back: A Tribute to Generations of African American Philanthropists,” creator of The Soul of Philanthropy exhibit, and a founding member of New Generation of African American Philanthropists, a collective giving circle in Charlotte, North Carolina. Her achievements in philanthropy were acknowledged this year by ABFE, which named her its 2020 Trailblazer. Valaida can be reached on LinkedIn and at